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How to Guide on Puppet Prince.

We are using Puppet Prince as the character sheet storage system for this game. If you do not already have an account, please register at 
Puppet Prince. Once you have an account you may create new characters and seek out differ chronicles to play in. The system is designed for MET play but can be used with modifcation for other systems.


Step 1 - Setting up the new character:​
There are a few places you can find the "Create a Character" button. Once you click on this you will find a screen that asks you to choose a name and the game system you want to create the sheet under. The name can be edited later if you decide to change it.

You will want to use the White Wolf game with the genre of Vampire: The Masquerade for a vampiric character. If you would like to play a ghoul or revenant, check the Ghouls: Fatal Addiction button. Click on the Create button.

Step 2 - Nature, Demeanor and other concepts:​

In the top block of the character sheet there will be a link to "edit" just below "Nature". This will open up the concept side of your character for editing. As you populate your character sheet you will find that you will need to edit this section again unless you have created your character sheet beforehand elsewhere. Click on "Save Section" when you have completed what you can.

Ghoul and Revenant Note: Enter your Domitor's Clan after "Revenant Family"'.

Step 3 - Attributes:​

If you start typing in any of the boxes you will find that some attributes will show in a drop down box. You will need to enter manually the text you require. This is the same for any box within the character sheet. When you have completed entering your values, click on the "Add" button to set the text and value and create a new box. When you have entered all of the attributes you will have a sheet that resembles the below.

Step 4 - Abilities:​

Again, you type into the boxes the ability you would like your character to possess and the value. "Add" is clicked to set the values and create new boxes ready to enter another set of values into. In this instance we will use Negative Physical Trails for Talents, Negative Mental Traits for Skills and Negative Social Traits for Knowledges. The resulting character sheet will look like the one below.

Step 5 - Advantages:​

By now you should be getting the hang of this. These are simple as they input easily and have values you can select once you type them in.

Step 6 - Virtues:​

The defaults Puppet Prince has for these are Conscience, Self Control and Courage. You may need to change these depending whether you follow Humanity or a Path of Enlightenment. When you select edit for the trait, you will be able to change the name to your required virtue and enter the value in the next box. To save the values, click on "Update".

Step 7 - Finishing Touches:​

You will be able to record your Willpower Rating in the "Concept" part at the top of your character sheet. This will be your Courage rating + 2 for vampires and the Courage rating for ghouls and revenants.


With the Generation Background chosen, you may update your Generation and the applicable Blood Pool for that generation. Ghouls will start with a Blood Pool of 10. A Revenant's Blood Pool rises with every century of survival.

Select your Merits and Flaws and enter them into the sheet.


Spend your freebies. Please keep track of your freebie spends in the notes section at the bottom of your character sheet. Please enter equipment and weapons your character may own here as well as mentors, influences, allies and contacts. Click on "Save Notes" when you are complete.


After spending your freebies, made adjustments to your Generation, Willpower etc where applicable if you have increased any trait that will affect these.


Now that you have completed the character sheet, click on "Finished Editing" at the top of the page.

Step 8 - Ready for Submission:​

Wait a minute!


Enter a short back story for your character in the journal. This can be as long or short as you like. Just be mindful that the Storytellers may ask you to explain some abilities, merits flaws etc.

Now you may attach your character to a chronicle. The easiest way to do this is from the Chronicle's pages on Puppet Prince. Ensure you  have joined the Chalice of Blood Chronicle. Click on the "Submit a Character" link from the options located in the columns on the right hand side. Choose the character you want to play in the game from the drop down box and then hit on Submit. 


It will be up to us to review the character sheet and get in contact with you about approval.


Thank you for getting this far!

If you have any traits with four dots or more, you may choose specialities for each. On the character sheet we will be using the Abilities column to enter the values. Simply type the trait followed by a hypen with the specialty. You will need to enter a numerical value in the next box. I chose to use 0. For your Lores, enter them into the Status column.

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